Bard Available In Europe

Google Bard Is No Match For ChatGPT (Yet)

Why ChatGPT Is Still The Leader Of The Pack

Tristan Wolff
5 min readJul 16, 2023


Image by the author & Midjourney


Google’s Bard made its debut in Europe (after the legal situation has probably been thoroughly explored).

But despite the tech giant’s promise to introduce some impressive new features in the coming months, the current version of Bard seems to fall short on a variety of tasks compared to OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

To be fair, Bard scores with its user-friendly interface, which features a sleek design, a seamless Google export feature, and the ability to switch to traditional Google search with a simple click.

However, one can’t help but notice the significant performance difference. So, before we compare…

  • text understanding & summarization
  • code generation
  • costs
  • interface design
  • web access
  • fictional writing capabilities
  • and additional features/plugins

… let’s take a quick look at what we know about the technical difference between the two:

Mixture Of Experts vs Pathways Training



Tristan Wolff
Tristan Wolff

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